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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Homemade Ketchup (without vinegar)


Before the 19th-century, "ketchup" was what people called sauces with a thick consistency. An American scientist named James Mease is believed to have invented tomato-based ketchup sometime in 1812. His formula was tweaked over the years and in 1876, Heinz, introduced bottled ketchup. Heinz is still the leading ketchup maker to this day. They sell over 650 million bottles every year. Ketchup is a staple of American cuisine, from hamburgers, and hot dogs to French fries, This version eschews vinegar for soy sauce, pineapple juice and lemon juice. 


  • 2 cups tomato sauce

  • 2 ½ tsp salt

  • 2 ¼ tsp onion powder

  • ¼ tsp cumin

  • ¼ tsp oregano

  • ½ tsp paprika

  • ¼ tsp garlic powder

  • ½ tsp soy sauce (to make it healthier use 1 tsp Braggs Liquid Aminos)

  • 3 tbsp pineapple juice

  • 4 tbsp lemon juice

  • 8 tbsp honey


  1. Mix 1 cup of water with each can of tomato sauce in a bowl.

  2. Mix up all the liquids. Add the spices and seasonings, then stir to combine.

  3. Pour mixture into a crock pot and bring it to 160 degrees in a slow cooker Cook on high until the mixture is reduced and thick (10 to 12 hours), stirring frequently. Smooth the finished ketchup in a blender. Not only does the Crock-Pot take out a lot of the legwork, it also ensures the perfect thick consistency every time.

  4. Pour into containers (preferably glass). Refrigerate or freeze.


  1. The SDA penchant for no vinegar does not come from scripture, but their false she-prophet who never kept a Saturday holy in her entire life, as Exodus 20:8 demands.

    She failed to abide in Jesus' words, putting her own ideas front and center as spiritual, thus disobeying Jesus, which is sin. All her sin, run thru the little app over in James 2:10, merely shows her to be a continual law-breaker, even idolator. Idolatrous lawbreakers keep zero days holy!

    Jesus warned about false prophets in Matt 7:15-23, but SDA's disobey Him continually, preferring to deceive themselves and others that they are capable of keeping days holy! And deceiving others that they follow Jesus. Jesus never told the SDA's to deceive others, but they do it wholesale anyway. They most certainly are not Christ-followers (Christians).

    Unfortunately they do not really care if they are shown from scripture that they are on a waterslide to eternal torment.

    "Without Me you can do nothing good -- John 15:5b

    1. if you believe so strongly in what you say why not put your name out there?
